Would you like to create your own wallpapers choosing photos, text and color ? With a lot of templates to create stunning, individual wallpapers ? Use effects like sepia and black-and-white for your photos ? Than Walls Creator is the right app for you!
This App is a quick, easy, creative way to generate personalized wallpapers for your iPhone / iPod touch. Choose one of the 20 templates, colorize the template with use of the colorpicker, add photos from your album, add text wherever you want, add a shadow and see the preview on just the touch of your finger.
With just two fingers you can scale, and rotate your photos or text, with just one finger you can position it wherever you want. Add photo effects like sepia and black-and-white. You can import wallpapers and graphics from your computer add text and photos to create something unique. Than save it to your album to use it as your new wallpaper.
Walls Creator gives you unlimited freedom for your ideas. Create a wallpaper with your emergency number, or “reward” and your number or just “Don’t touch”. You create and decide!
If you have any questions, suggestions or ideas how we could make this app better for you just send a mail to our support. We have no chance to answer or help if you just write a review. We welcome your feedback and reviews!